Covid-19 Clinic Protocols

At Oaklea Osteopathy a thorough risk assessment has been carried out to minimise the risk from Covid-19 and strict measures are in place to keep patients and practitioner as safe as possible. However, it is important to be aware that it is not possible to remove all risk of Covid-19. Any face-to-face appointments increase this risk due to working in close proximity with the generation of respiratory droplets and aerosol particles that can carry Covid-19 in the air, as well as direct contact and shared contact points.
Patients are reminded that mask wearing continues to be a requirement in all health care settings.
You MUST NOT attend
- If you have developed possible symptoms of Covid-19 within the previous 10 days. For clarity, as well as cough, fever and loss or change to sense of smell or taste, this clinic asks that you do not attend if you have had even mild cold or flu like symptoms in the previous 10 days, runny nose or sneezing, new headaches, sore throat, unexplained fatigue or diarrhoea/vomiting.
- If you have been in contact with anyone with possible symptoms or a confirmed positive test result within the last 10 days you will be asked to delay your appointment as a precaution.
- If you have returned to the UK from any overseas destination within 10 days you will be asked to wait 10 days before attending an appointment as a precaution.
Before Your Appointment
- I will telephone you the day before your appointment to confirm your attendance after asking Covid-19 screening questions. During this telephone call we will also go through the general case history questions that would previously have been carried out face to face. Questions will be about your presenting symptoms, and your general medical history – obviously by way of updates if you have attended before. The reason for this is to give you as much time as you need, whilst keeping your face-to-face appointment for examination, diagnosis and treatment.
During Your Appointment
- Please try not to arrive earlier than your appointment as the time allowed between appointments is for cleaning and airing the treatment room, as well as changing PPE. When you arrive, please park on the drive and wait in your car until I open the clinic door for you.
- Please only bring essential items in with you eg, keys & payment card. Please have these items in pockets or a bag so that your hands are free to sanitise on arrival.
- On arrival, I will take your temperature with a contactless thermometer and hand sanitiser will be provided.
- A surgical IIR mask will be provided for you at the entrance (there will be no charge for this). The reason I am asking patients to wear a mask provided by me is to avoid any possible cross contamination.
- Please attend your appointment by yourself as I will be unable to accommodate friends or family members attending with you.
- The treatment couch will be covered with disposable couch roll, but if you would like a towel to lay on or to cover you during your appointment you are welcome to bring one with you.
- Please note that lavatory facilities are no longer available for patient use.
- Payment will be via contactless card payment only or bank transfer if not - cash/cheques accepted are no longer accepted.
After Your Appointment
- If we agree that you would benefit from a follow up appointment, I will telephone you later the same day to book your next appointment. If you have any questions that we didn’t cover during your visit, please feel free to ask me then.
- Please keep your mask on as you leave the clinic and dispose of it at home.
- As I wear NHS/Public Health England approved PPE and osteopaths are classified by the NHS as Allied Health Professionals, you are not required to give my details to NHS Test & Trace as a contact if your visit falls within your contagious period if you later test positive for Covid-19. However, I would ask you to still let me know if you develop symptoms within 3 days of your appointment so that I can carry out enhanced cleaning protocols for everyone’s safety.
What The Clinic Is Doing For You
- For your peace of mind, I can reassure you that I have received both Covid-19 vaccinations as well as the booster vaccine.
- The clinic follows Infection Prevention Control protocols guided by the World Health Organisation, Public Health England, the General Osteopathic Council and the Institute of Osteopathy.
- I am wearing full PPE - disposable face mask, apron and gloves - to treat every patient. PPE is changed between every appointment.
- Face masks that I wear and provide for patients are EN14683 compliant surgical Type IIR masks.
- All soft furnishings and fabric furniture have been removed from the clinic and replaced with wipeable furniture to ensure effective cleaning between all appointments.
- Cleaning will take place between appointments of all contact areas eg, door handles, card machine, couch, pillows, equipment, chairs. Deep cleaning will take place at the end of every day.
- This clinic uses Clinell cleaning products which are used by the NHS and are effective against Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in just 30 seconds of contact time.
- This clinic provides Clinell Hand Sanitizer which contains 70% alcohol (WHO recommended) as well as glycerin and aloe vera to prevent skin dryness and cracking.
- The clinic entrance and treatment room are fully aired between appointments as well as at the end of each treatment day.
These are challenging times for us all. I will be doing my very best to make things as Covid secure as possible for us all and I look forward to seeing you in the clinic.